Mercury is an extremely toxic element, however only occasional poisoning cases have been reported. It has been used in the past as the active ingredient in ointments, parasiticidals, antiseptics, disinfectants, diuretics and fungicides. Mercury can be a source of environmental contamination when present in seed dressing fungicides, anti-slime fungicides in pulp and paper industries, by-products of burning coal, mine tailings and wastes from chlorine-alkali industries. Whatever the source, mercury finds its way into water sources and accumulates in fish and fish-eating animals. Inorganic mercury which enters a water source is readily converted to methyl mercury by aquatic microorganisms and accumulates in the tissues of fish. In Michigan, the common loon, mink and otter have been poisoned by mercury as a result of ingestion of mercury contaminated fish
Mercury poisoning (also known as hydrargyria or mercurialism) is a disease caused by exposure to mercury or its compounds. Mercury (chemical symbol Hg) is a heavy metal that occurs in several forms, all of which can produce toxic effects in high enough doses. Its zero oxidation state Hg0 exists as vapor or as liquid metal, its mercurous state Hg+ exists as inorganic salts, and its mercuric state Hg2+ may form either inorganic salts or organomercury compounds; the three groups vary in effects. Toxic effects include damage to the brain, kidney, and lungs.[1] Mercury poisoning can result in several diseases, including acrodynia (pink disease), Hunter-Russell syndrome, and Minamata disease.[2]
Symptoms typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination. The type and degree of symptoms exhibited depend upon the individual toxin, the dose, and the method and duration of exposure.
• The first emperor of unified China, Qin Shi Huang, reportedly died of ingesting mercury pills that were intended to give him eternal life.[43]
• The phrase mad as a hatter is likely a reference to mercury poisoning, as mercury-based compounds were once used in the manufacture of felt hats in the 18th and 19th century. (The Mad Hatter character of Alice in Wonderland was almost certainly inspired by an eccentric furniture dealer, not by a victim of mad hatter disease.)[44]
Fig: As mad as hatter
• In 1810, two British ships, HMS Triumph and HMS Phipps, salvaged a large load of elemental mercury from a wrecked Spanish vessel near Cadiz, Spain. The bladders containing the mercury soon ruptured. The element spread about the ships in liquid and vapour forms. The sailors presented with neurologic compromises: tremor, paralysis, and excessive salivation as well as tooth loss, skin problems, and pulmonary complaints. In 1823 William Burnet, MD published a report on the effects of Mercurial vapour.[45] The Triumph’s surgeon, Henry Plowman, had concluded that the ailments had arisen from inhaling the mercurialized atmosphere. His treatment was to order the lower deck gun ports to be opened, when it was safe to do so; sleeping on the orlop was forbidden; and no men slept in the lower deck if they were at all symptomatic. Windsails were set to channel fresh air into the lower decks day and night.[46]
• For years, including the early part of his presidency, Abraham Lincoln took a common medicine of his time called "blue mass" which contained significant amounts of mercury.
• On September 5, 1920, silent movie actress Olive Thomas ingested mercury capsules dissolved in an alcoholic solution at the Hotel Ritz in Paris. There is still controversy over whether it was suicide, or whether she consumed the external preparation by mistake. Her husband, Jack Pickford (the brother of Mary Pickford), had syphilis, and the mercury was used as a treatment of the venereal disease at the time. She died a few days later at the American Hospital in Neuilly.
• An early scientific study of mercury poisoning was in 1923–6 by the German inorganic chemist, Alfred Stock, who himself became poisoned, together with his colleagues, by breathing mercury vapour that was being released by his laboratory equipment—diffusion pumps, float valves, and manometers—all of which contained mercury, and also from mercury that had been accidentally spilt and remained in cracks in the linoleum floor covering. He published a number of papers on mercury poisoning, founded a committee in Berlin to study cases of possible mercury poisoning, and introduced the term micromercurialism.[47]
• The term Hunter-Russell syndrome derives from a study of mercury poisoning among workers in a seed packing factory in Norwich, England in the late 1930s who breathed methylmercury that was being used as a seed disinfectant and preservative.[48]
• Outbreaks of methylmercury poisoning occurred in several places in Japan during the 1950s due to industrial discharges of mercury into rivers and coastal waters. The best-known instances were in Minamata and Niigata. In Minamata alone, more than 600 people died due to what became known as Minamata disease. More than 21,000 people filed claims with the Japanese government, of which almost 3000 became certified as having the disease. In 22 documented cases, pregnant women who consumed contaminated fish showed mild or no symptoms but gave birth to infants with severe developmental disabilities.[2]
• Widespread mercury poisoning occurred in rural Iraq in 1971-1972, when grain treated with a methylmercury-based fungicide that was intended for planting only was used by the rural population to make bread, causing at least 6530 cases of mercury poisoning and at least 459 deaths (see Basra poison grain disaster).[49]
• On August 14, 1996, Karen Wetterhahn, a chemistry professor working at Dartmouth College, spilled a small amount of dimethylmercury on her latex glove. She began experiencing the symptoms of mercury poisoning five months later and, despite aggressive chelation therapy, died a few months later from brain malfunction due to mercury intoxication.[23][24]
• In April 2000, Alan Chmurny attempted to kill a former employee, Marta Bradley, by pouring mercury into the ventilation system of her car.[50]
• On March 19, 2008, Tony Winnett, 55, inhaled mercury vapors while trying to extract gold from computer parts, and died ten days later. His Oklahoma residence became so contaminated that it had to be gutted.[51][52]
• In December 2008, actor Jeremy Piven was diagnosed with hydrargyria resulting from eating sushi twice a day for twenty years.[53]
On April 21, 1956, 5-year-old girl who complained of various cerebral symptoms came to consult and check into Dr. Noda's pediatric clinic. It was on April 29 that her sister, a 3-year-old girl, came to the clinic under similar signs. He notified these two patients suffering from an unclarified disease with cerebral signs to Minamata Health Center on May 1. This was the start of the matter of Minamata disease. In consequence of an epidemiologic investigation by the Health Center, it became clear that a large number of patients like them appeared around the same area. In August, 1956, Medical Study Group of Minamata Disease was organized in Kumamoto University and started investigating the cause. In November, 1956, Medical Study Group considered the true symptom as a poisoning by heavy metal which was mixed into the sea foods of the spot. It was in July, 1959, that they finally confirmed this poison as mercury. Around 1958, we noticed that there were many patients with signs of so-called cerebral palsy who were born in the same area of Minamata disease and were born almost at the same time. As a result of investigation, we found that this cerebral palsy was congenital Minamata disease.
On April 21, 1956, a 5-year-old girl who complained of various cerebral symptoms came to consult and check into Dr. Noda's pediatric clinic (Harada, 1968a). He undertook various clinical examinations, but one week passed without a well-grounded diagnosis. It was on April 29 that her sister, a 3-year-old girl, came to the clinic under similar signs. Dr. Noda inquired her mother about detailed circumstances, and took notice of a possibility that there might be other patients in the neighboring family. Then Dr. Noda notified these two patients suffereing from an unclarified disease with cerebral signs to Minamata Health Center on May 1. This was the start of the matter of Minamata disease (MD). In consequence of an epidemiologic investigation by Health Center, it became clear that a large number of patients like them appeared around the same area.
In August, 1956, Medical Study Group of MD was organized in Kumamoto University and started investigating the cause (Table 1). In November, 1956, Medical Study Group considered the true symptom as a poisoning by heavy metal which was mixed into the sea foods of the spot. And in July, 1959, they comfirmed this poison was a methyl-mercuric compound.
About 1958, we noticed that there were many patients with signs of so-called cerebral palsy (CP) who were born in the same area of MD and at the same time. As a result of investigation, we found that this CP was congenital MD.
Mercury is such a highly reactive toxic agent that it is difficult to identify its specific mechanism of damage, and much remains unknown about the mechanism.[11] It damages the central nervous system, endocrine system, kidneys, and other organs, and adversely affects the mouth, gums, and teeth. Exposure over long periods of time or heavy exposure to mercury vapor can result in brain damage and ultimately death. Mercury and its compounds are particularly toxic to fetuses and infants. Women who have been exposed to mercury in pregnancy have sometimes given birth to children with serious birth defects
Mercury exposure in young children can have severe neurological consequences, preventing nerve sheaths from forming properly. Mercury inhibits the formation of myelin.There is some evidence that mercury poisoning may predispose to Young's syndrome (men with bronchiectasis and low sperm count).[12]Mercury poisoning's effects partially depend on whether it has been caused by exposure to elemental mercury, inorganic mercury compounds (as salts), or organomercury compounds.
Signs and symptoms
Common symptoms of mercury poisoning include peripheral neuropathy (presenting as paresthesia or itching, burning or pain), skin discoloration (pink cheeks, fingertips and toes), swelling, and desquamation (shedding of skin).
Because mercury blocks the degradation pathway of catecholamines, epinephrine excess causes profuse sweating, tachycardia (persistently faster-than-normal heart beat), increased salivation, and hypertension (high blood pressure). Mercury is thought to inactivate S-adenosyl-methionine, which is necessary for catecholamine catabolism by catechol-o-methyl transferase.
Affected children may show red cheeks, nose and lips, loss of hair, teeth, and nails, transient rashes, hypotonia (muscle weakness), and increased sensitivity to light. Other symptoms may include kidney disfunction (e.g. Fanconi syndrome) or neuropsychiatric symptoms (Bradley Coyne Syndrome) such as emotional lability, memory impairment, or insomnia.
Thus, the clinical presentation may resemble pheochromocytoma or Kawasaki disease.
An example of desquamation of the hand of a child with severe mercury poisoning acquired by handling elemental mercury is this photograph in Horowitz, et al. (2002).[3]
The consumption of fish is by far the most significant source of ingestion-related mercury exposure in humans and animals, although plants and livestock also contain mercury due to bioaccumulation of mercury from soil, water and atmosphere, and due to biomagnification by ingesting other mercury-containing organisms. [4]. Exposure to mercury can occur from breathing contaminated air;[5] from eating foods containing mercury residues from processing, such as can occur with high-fructose corn syrup;[6] from exposure to mercury vapor in mercury amalgam dental restorations;[7] and from improper use or disposal of mercury and mercury-containing objects, for example, after spills of elemental mercury or improper disposal of fluorescent lamps.[8]
Human-generated sources such as coal plants emit approximately half of atmospheric mercury, with natural sources such as volcanoes responsible for the remainder. An estimated two-thirds of human-generated mercury comes from stationary combustion, mostly of coal. Other important human-generated sources include gold production, non-ferrous metal production, cement production, waste disposal, human crematoria, caustic soda production, pig iron and steel production, mercury production (mostly for batteries), and biomass burning.[9]
Small independent gold mining operations employ workers who are exposed to more risk to mercury poisoning because of crude processing methods. Such is the danger for the galamsey in Ghana and similar workers known as orpailleurs in neighboring francophone countries. While there are no official government estimates of the labor force, observers believe twenty thousand to fifty thousand work as galamseys in Ghana, a figure that includes many women, who work as porters.
Mercury and many of its chemical compounds, especially organomercury compounds, can also be readily absorbed through direct contact with bare, or in some cases (such as dimethylmercury) insufficiently protected, skin. Mercury and its compounds are commonly used in chemical laboratories, hospitals, dental clinics, and facilities involved in the production of items such as fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, and explosives.[10]
Epidemiological special features at the beginning
1.Almost all the patients lived in the same area of Minamata Bay.
2. Disease mainly broke out among the fishermen and their family.
3. It broke out in all ages except infant, without distinction of sex.
4. The rate of patients was the same on both sexes in children, but higher in the male than the female in adults.
5. There was no regular interval between the out-break of disease in a family, for example, several days in some cases, but several years in others.
6. The death rate was high.
7. Agricultural products and drinking water were not suspected as the cause.
8. Every patient had eaten fish and shellfish from Minamata Bay.
9. Many cats with the same signs as patients of MD were found in the same area and at the same time.
The main symptoms in adults (Tokuomi, 1968) were ataxia, concentric constriction of the bilateral visual field, sensory disturbance, auditory disturbance, extrapyramidal signs such as muscular rigidity and involuntary movement, and mental signs such as slight intellectual deterioration and marked emotional instability.
In infant cases (Harada, 1968a), there was no fever, and general condition was not so impaired at the beginning, while the disturbance in coordination appeared gradually. For example, use of chopsticks, tying shoestrings, and buttoning one's clothes were impaired. Following these, disturbance in gait and speech developed. Difficulty in mastication and swallowing, and blurring of vision were found in every case. Some patients complained of numbness of the mouth surroundings and the extremities, and pain in the joints and finger tips. In both severe and moderate cases, involuntary movements were noticed. In acute cases, tremor, clouded consciousness, convulsions and rigidity of the extremities were observed.
In November, 1956, Study Group put their thought together that MD did not belong to infectious disease but to intoxicative disease, being caused by eating a large amount of fish and shellfish caught in Minamata Bay. As the noxious factor contaminating the fish and shellfish, several kinds of metals and metalloids, especially manganese, selenium and thallium were considered.
1. MD is a poisoning of methyl mercury which is seen in people who ate fish and shellfish contaminated by methyl mercury. In this case, the brain is a main part of damage.
2. In case of pregnant woman, methyl mercury intrudes into fetus from mother through the placenta, and causes the congenital MD.
3. The brain damage of congenital MD is more extensive and severe as compared with that of the infant or adult. Therefore, clinical features are more serious in congenital cases.
Mercury poisoning can be prevented (or minimized) by eliminating or reducing exposure to mercury and mercury compounds. To that end, many governments and private groups have made efforts to regulate the use of mercury heavily, or to issue advisories about its use. For example, the export from the European Union of mercury and some mercury compounds will be prohibited from 2010-03-15.[29] The variability among regulations and advisories is at times confusing for the lay person as well as scientists.
Country Regulating agency Regulated activity Medium Type of mercury compound Type of limit Limit
US Occupational Safety and Health Administration
occupational exposure air elemental mercury Ceiling (not to exceed) 0.1 mg/m³
US Occupational Safety and Health Administration occupational exposure air organic mercury Ceiling (not to exceed) 0.05 mg/m³
US Food and Drug Administration
drinking water inorganic mercury Maximum allowable concentration 2 ppb (0.002 mg/L)
US Food and Drug Administration eating sea food methylmercury Maximum allowable concentration 1 ppm
US Environmental Protection Agency
drinking water inorganic mercury Maximum contaminant level 2 ppb (0.002 mg/L)
Identifying and removing the source of the mercury is crucial. Decontamination requires removal of clothes, washing skin with soap and water, and flushing the eyes with saline solution as needed. Inorganic ingestion such as mercuric chloride should be approached as the ingestion of any other serious caustic. Immediate chelation therapy is the standard of care for a patient showing symptoms of severe mercury poisoning or the laboratory evidence of a large total mercury load.[1]
Chelation therapy for acute inorganic mercury poisoning can be done with DMSA, 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS), D-penicillamine (DPCN), or dimercaprol (BAL).[1] Only DMSA is FDA-approved for use in children for treating mercury poisoning. However, several studies found no clear clinical benefit from DMSA treatment for poisoning due to mercury vapor.[33] No chelator for methylmercury or ethylmercury is approved by the FDA; DMSA is the most frequently used for severe methylmercury poisoning, as it is given orally, has fewer side effects, and has been found to be superior to BAL, DPCN, and DMPS.[1] Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) has been shown to be protective against acute mercury poisoning in several mammalian species when it is given soon after exposure; correct dosage is required, as inappropriate dosages increase toxicity. Although it has been hypothesized that frequent low dosages of ALA may have potential as a mercury chelator, studies in rats have been contradictory.[34] Glutathione and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) are recommended by some physicians, but have been shown to increase mercury concentrations in the kidneys and the brain.[34] Experimental findings have demonstrated an interaction between selenium and methylmercury, but epidemiological studies have found little evidence that selenium helps to protect against the adverse effects of methylmercury.[35]
Even if the patient has no symptoms or documented history of mercury exposure, a minority of physicians (predominantly those in alternative medicine) use chelation to "rid" the body of mercury, which they believe to cause neurological and other disorders. A common practice is to challenge the patient's body with a chelation agent, collect urine samples, and then use laboratory reports to diagnose the patient with toxic levels of mercury; often no pre-chelation urine sample is collected for comparison. The patient is then advised to undergo further chelation.[33] No scientific data supports the claim that the mercury in vaccines causes autism[36] or its symptoms,[37] and there is no scientific support for chelation therapy as a treatment for autism.[38]
Chelation therapy can be hazardous. In August 2005, an incorrect form of EDTA used for chelation therapy resulted in hypocalcemia, causing cardiac arrest that killed a five-year-old autistic boy.[39]
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Galvanization is the process of coating a thin layer of zinc on the surface of Iron (Fe) or steel so as to protect it from rusting or corrosion. Galvanization refers to any of several electrochemical processes named after the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani. Now the term generally refers to an electro deposition process used to add a thin layer of another metal to an item made of steel, in order to prevent rusting. More recently, though, the term has been broadened in common usage to include applying a protective metallic coating to an underlying piece of metal, using a process called hot-dip galvanization, which produces similar results, but which does not employ electrochemical deposition.
79 AD
Record of zinc usage in construction began in 79 AD, which could be considered the origination of galvanizing. However, the first recorded history of galvanizing dates back to 1742 when a French chemist named P.J. Malouin, in a presentation to the French Royal Academy, described a method of coating iron with molten zinc.
In 1772, Luigi Galvani, galvanizing’s namesake, discovered the electrochemical process that takes place between metals during an experiment with frog legs. And in 1801, Alessandro Volta furthered the research on galvanizing when he discovered the electro potential between two metals, creating a corrosion cell.
In 1829, Michael Faraday discovered zinc’s sacrificial action during an experiment involving zinc, salt water, and nails. Shortly after, in 1837, French engineer Stanislaus Tranquille Modeste Sorel took out a patent for the early galvanizing process. By 1850, the British galvanizing industry was consuming 10,000 tons of zinc annually for the production of galvanized steel.
The United States, slightly behind, had its first galvanizing plant open in 1870. At the time, the steel was hand dipped in the zinc bath. Today, over 600,000 tons of zinc is consumed annually in North America to produce hot-dip galvanized steel.
Galvanizing is found in almost every major application and industry where iron or steel is used. The utilities, chemical process, pulp and paper, automotive, and transportation industries, to name just a few, historically have made extensive use of galvanizing for corrosion control. They continue to do so today. For over 150 years, hot-dip galvanizing has had a proven history of commercial success as a method of corrosion protection in myriad applications worldwide.
Metal protection
Galvanization protects the material from corrosion by two ways:
a) By the formation of protective covering
Galvanization protect the corrosion of Iron or Steel by forming a barrier between Iron surface and moist air. In absence of moist air Iron is not corroded.
b) Sacrificial protection or cathodic protection
If some part of galvanized Iron is Scratched or exposed to air then it is likely to be corroded but galvanization protect from the corrosion. Here zinc act as anode and exposed part of Iron as cathode and this part form an electrochemical due to electrode reaction . The exposed part of iron is covered by Zinc layer. In this way galvanization protect article from rusting or corrosion.
In current use, the term refers to the coating of steel or iron with zinc. This is done to prevent galvanic corrosion (specifically rusting) of the ferrous item. The value of galvanizing stems from the relative corrosion resistance of zinc, which, under most service conditions, is considerably less than those of iron and steel. The effect of this is that the zinc is consumed first as a sacrificial anode, so that it cathodically protects exposed steel. This means that in case of scratches through the zinc coating, the exposed steel will be cathodically protected by the surrounding zinc coating, unlike an item which is painted with no prior galvanizing, where a scratched surface would rust. Furthermore, galvanizing for protection of iron and steel is favored because of its low cost, the ease of application, and the extended maintenance-free service that it provides.
The term galvanizing, while correctly referring to the application of the zinc coating by the use of a galvanic cell (also known as electroplating), sometimes is also used to refer to hot dip zinc coating (commonly incorrectly referred to as hot dip galvanizing). The practical difference is that hot dip zinc coating produces a much thicker, durable coating, whereas genuine galvanizing (electroplating) produces a very thin coating. Another difference, which makes it possible to determine visually which process has been used if an item is described as 'galvanized', is that electroplating produces a nice, shiny surface, whereas hot dip zinc coating produces a matte, grey surface. The thin coating produced by electroplating is much more quickly consumed, after which corrosion turns to the steel itself. This makes electroplating unsuitable for outdoor applications, except in very dry climates. For example, nails for indoor use are electroplated (shiny), while nails for outdoor use are hot dip zinc coated (matte grey). However, electroplating and subsequent painting is a durable combination because the paint slows down the consumption of the zinc. Car bodies of some premium makes are corrosion protected using this combination.
Nonetheless, electroplating is used on its own for many outdoor applications because it is cheaper than hot dip zinc coating and looks good when new. Another reason not to use hot dip zinc coating is that for bolts and nuts size M10 or smaller, the thick hot-dipped coating uses up too much of the threads, which reduces strength (because the dimension of the steel prior to coating must be reduced for the fasteners to fit together). This means that for cars, bicycles and many other 'light' mechanical products, the alternative to electroplating bolts and nuts is not hot dip zinc coating but making the bolts and nuts from stainless steel (known by the corrosion grades A4 and A2).
Electroplated steel is visually indistinguishable from stainless steel when new. To determine whether a part is electroplated or stainless steel, apply a magnet. The most common stainless steel alloys (including those used for bolts and nuts) are not magnetic or only very slightly attracted to a magnet.
Zinc coating
Zinc coatings prevent corrosion of the protected metal by forming a physical barrier, and by acting as a sacrificial anode if this barrier is damaged. When exposed to the atmosphere, zinc reacts with oxygen to form zinc oxide, which further reacts with water molecules in the air to form zinc hydroxide. Finally zinc hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to yield a thin, impermeable, tenacious and quite insoluble dull gray layer of zinc carbonate which adheres extremely well to the underlying zinc, so protecting it from further corrosion, in a way similar to the protection afforded to aluminium and stainless steels by their oxide layers.
Hot-dip galvanizing deposits a thick robust layer that may be more than is necessary for the protection of the underlying metal in some applications. This is the case in automobile bodies, where additional rust proofing paint will be applied. Here, a thinner form of galvanizing is applied by electroplating, called "electrogalvanization". The hot-dip process slightly reduces the strength of the base metal, which is a consideration for the manufacture of wire rope and other highly-stressed products. The protection provided by this process is insufficient for products that will be constantly exposed to corrosive materials such as salt water. For these applications, more expensive stainless steel is preferred. Some nails made today are electro-galvanized.As noted previously, both mechanisms are often at work in practical applications. For example, the traditional measure of a coating's effectiveness is resistance to a salt spray. Thin coatings cannot remain intact indefinitely when subject to surface abrasion, and the galvanic protection offered by zinc can be sharply contrasted to more noble metals. As an example, a scratched or incomplete coating of chromium actually exacerbates corrosion of the underlying steel, since it is less electrochemically active than the substrate.
The size of crystallites in galvanized coatings is an aesthetic feature, known as spangle. By varying the number of particles added for heterogeneous nucleation and the rate of cooling in a hot-dip process, the spangle can be adjusted from an apparently uniform surface (crystallites too small to see with the naked eye) to grains several centimeters wide. Visible crystallites are rare in other engineering materials. Protective coatings for steel constitute the largest use of zinc and rely upon the galvanic or sacrificial property of zinc relative to steel.Thermal diffusion galvanizing, a form of Sherardizing, provides a zinc coating metallurgically on iron or copper based materials similar to hot dip galvanizing. The final surface is different than hot-dip Galvanizing; all of its zinc is alloyed.[3] Zinc is applied in a powder form with "accelerator chemicals" (generally sand[4], but other chemicals are patented). The parts and the zinc powder are tumbled in a sealed drum while it is heated to slightly below zinc's melting temperature. The drum must be heated evenly, or complications will arise. Due to the chemicals added to the zinc powder, the zinc/iron makes an alloy at a lower temperature than hot dip galvanizing. This process requires generally fewer . The dull-gray crystal structure formed by the process bonds stronger with paint, powder coating, and rubber overmolding processes than other methods. It is a preferred method for coating small, complex-shaped metals and smoothing in rough surfaces on items formed with powder metal.
Eventual corrosion
Although galvanizing will inhibit attack of the underlying steel, rusting will be inevitable, especially due to natural acidity of rain. For example, corrugated iron sheet roofing will start to degrade within a few years despite the protective action of the zinc coating. Marine and salty environments also lower the lifetime of galvanized iron because the high electrical conductivity ofsea water increases the rate of corrosion. Galvanized car frames exemplify this; they corrode much quicker in cold environments due to road salt. Galvanized steel can last for many years if other means are maintained, such as paint coatings and additional sacrificial anodes.
Process of galvanization
Surface Preparation
Degreasing/Caustic Cleaning
A hot alkaline solution removes dirt, oil, grease, shop oil, and soluble markings.
Dilute solutions of either hydrochloric or sulfuric acid removes surface rust and mill scale to provide a chemically clean metallic surface.
Steel is immersed in liquid flux (usually a zinc ammonium chloride solution) to remove oxides and to prevent oxidation prior to dipping into the bath of molten zinc. In the dry galvanizing process, the item is separately dipped in a liquid flux bath, removed, allowed to dry, and then galvanized. In the wet galvanizing process, the flux floats atop the molten zinc and the item passes through the flux immediately prior to galvanizing.
The article is immersed in a bath of molten zinc between 815-850 F (435-455 C). During galvanizing, the zinc metallurgically bonds to the steel, creating a series of highly abrasion-resistant zinc-iron alloy layers, commonly topped by a layer of impact-resistant pure zinc.
After the steel is withdrawn from the galvanizing bath, excess zinc is removed by draining, vibrating or—for small items—centrifuging. The galvanized item is then air-cooled or quenched in liquid.
Coating-thickness and surface-condition inspections complete the process. The galvanizing process has existed for more than 250 years and has been a mainstay of North American industry since the 1890s. Galvanizing is used throughout various markets to provide steel with unmatched protection from the ravages of corrosion. A wide range of steel products from nails to highway guardrail to the Brooklyn Bridge’s suspension wires to NASA’s launch pad sound suppression system benefit from galvanizing’s superior corrosion protection properties.
Characteristics of Zinc
Galvanizing’s primary component is zinc. This vital metal is silvery, blue-gray in color, makes up an estimated 0.004% of the Earth’s crust, and ranks 27th in order of abundance. It is essential for the growth and development of almost all life: Between 1.4 and 2.3 grams of zinc are found in the average adult, and the World Health Organization has recommended a daily intake of 15 milligrams. Numerous consumer products including cold remedies, sunscreens, diaper creams, and nutritional supplements contain beneficial amounts of zinc, primarily in the form of zinc oxide.
To the eye, galvanized steel is blue-gray, but it is also “green.” The zinc and galvanizing industries work to promote sustainable development by enhancing zinc’s contribution to society and ensuring its production and use are in harmony with the natural environment and the needs of society, now and in the future. Zinc, as it is used in galvanizing, is a healthy metal, completely recyclable. The energy used to melt zinc is inversely related to the amount of zinc recycled. Galvanizing delivers incredible value in terms of protecting our infrastructure. Less steel is consumed and fewer raw materials are needed because galvanizing makes bridges, roads, buildings, etc., last longer. Over time, galvanizing helps maintain steel fabrications’ structural integrity: galvanized structures are safer. Additionally, because galvanized steel requires no maintenance for decades, its use in public construction is an efficient use of our taxes. Selecting galvanized steel for private projects makes a significant contribution to a company’s profitability.
Benefits of Galvanizing Metal Parts
Galvanization helps to extend the life of steel parts by providing a barrier between the steel and the atmosphere, preventing iron oxide from forming on the surface of the steel. Galvanization also provides superior corrosion resistance to parts exposed to the environment.
Galvanization provides a cost-effective solution for coating steel parts, Iron parts specifically those that will receive significant environmental exposure over their lifetime.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Organic Chemistry
Organic compounds are structurally diverse. The range of application of organic compounds is enormous. They form the basis of, or are important constituents of many products (plastics, drugs, petrochemicals, food, explosives, paints, to name but a few) and, with very few exceptions, they form the basis of all earthly life processes.
Organic chemistry evolved in waves of innovation. These innovations are motivated by practical considerations as well as theoretical innovations. However, like all areas of science, chemistry is underpinned financially by the very large applications in biochemistry, polymer science, pharmaceutical chemistry, and agrochemicals.
1 History
2 Characterization
3 Properties
3.1 Melting and boiling properties
3.2 Solubility
3.3 Solid state properties
4 Nomenclature
4.1 Structural drawings
5 Classification of organic compounds
5.1 Functional groups
5.2 Aliphatic compounds
5.3 Aromatic compounds
5.3.1 Heterocyclic compounds
5.4 Polymers
5.5 Biomolecules
5.6 Small molecules
5.7 Fullerenes
5.8 Others
6 Organic synthesis
7 Organic reactions
8 See also
9 References
10 External links
Friedrich Wöhler
In the early nineteenth century, chemists generally believed that compounds obtained from living organisms were too complex to be obtained synthetically. According to the concept of vitalism, organic matter was endowed with a "vital force". They named these compounds "organic" and directed their investigations toward inorganic materials that seemed more easily studied.[citation needed]
During the first half of the nineteenth century, scientists realized that organic compounds can be synthesized in the laboratory. Around 1816 Michel Chevreul started a study of soaps made from various fats and alkalis. He separated the different acids that, in combination with the alkali, produced the soap. Since these were all individual compounds, he demonstrated that it was possible to make a chemical change in various fats (which traditionally come from organic sources), producing new compounds, without "vital force". In 1828 Friedrich Wöhler produced the organic chemical urea (carbamide), a constituent of urine, from the inorganic ammonium cyanate NH4OCN, in what is now called the Wöhler synthesis. Although Wöhler was always cautious about claiming that he had thereby destroyed the theory of vital force, historians have looked to this event as the turning point.
In 1856 William Henry Perkin, trying to manufacture quinine, again accidentally manufactured the organic dye now called Perkin's mauve. By generating a huge amount of money this discovery greatly increased interest in organic chemistry.
The crucial breakthrough for organic chemistry was the concept of chemical structure, developed independently and simultaneously by Friedrich August Kekule and Archibald Scott Couper in 1858. Both men suggested that tetravalent carbon atoms could link to each other to form a carbon lattice, and that the detailed patterns of atomic bonding could be discerned by skillful interpretations of appropriate chemical reactions.
The history of organic chemistry continued with the discovery of petroleum and its separation into fractions according to boiling ranges. The conversion of different compound types or individual compounds by various chemical processes created the petroleum chemistry leading to the birth of the petrochemical industry, which successfully manufactured artificial rubbers, the various organic adhesives, the property-modifying petroleum additives, and plastics.
The pharmaceutical industry began in the last decade of the 19th century when acetylsalicylic acid (more commonly referred to as aspirin) manufacture was started in Germany by Bayer. The first time a drug was systematically improved was with arsphenamine (Salvarsan). Numerous derivatives of the dangerously toxic atoxyl were examined by Paul Ehrlich and his group, and the compound with best effectiveness and toxicity characteristics was selected for production.
Although early examples of organic reactions and applications were often serendipitous, the latter half of the 19th century witnessed highly systematic studies of organic compounds. Beginning in the 20th century, progress of organic chemistry allowed the synthesis of highly complex molecules via multistep procedures. Concurrently, polymers and enzymes were understood to be large organic molecules, and petroleum was shown to be of biological origin. The process of finding new synthesis routes for a given compound is called total synthesis. Total synthesis of complex natural compounds started with urea, increased in complexity to glucose and terpineol, and in 1907, total synthesis was commercialized the first time by Gustaf Komppa with camphor. Pharmaceutical benefits have been substantial, for example cholesterol-related compounds have opened ways to synthesis of complex human hormones and their modified derivatives. Since the start of the 20th century, complexity of total syntheses has been increasing, with examples such as lysergic acid and vitamin B12. Today's targets feature tens of stereogenic centers that must be synthesized correctly with asymmetric synthesis.
Biochemistry, the chemistry of living organisms, their structure and interactions in vitro and inside living systems, has only started in the 20th century, opening up a new chapter of organic chemistry with enormous scope. Biochemistry, like organic chemistry, primarily focuses on compounds containing carbon as well.
[edit] Characterization
Since organic compounds often exist as mixtures, a variety of techniques have also been developed to assess purity, especially important being chromatography techniques such as HPLC and gas chromatography. Traditional methods of separation include distillation, crystallization, and solvent extraction.
Organic compounds were traditionally characterized by a variety of chemical tests, called "wet methods," but such tests have been largely displaced by spectroscopic or other computer-intensive methods of analysis.[4] Listed in approximate order of utility, the chief analytical methods are:
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the most commonly used technique, often permitting complete assignment of atom connectivity and even stereochemistry using correlation spectroscopy. The principal constituent atoms of organic chemistry - hydrogen and carbon - exist naturally with NMR-responsive isotopes, respectively 1H and 13C.
Elemental analysis: A destructive method used to determine the elemental composition of a molecule. See also mass spectrometry, below.
Mass spectrometry indicates the molecular weight of a compound and, from the fragmentation patterns, its structure. High resolution mass spectrometry can usually identify the exact formula of a compound and is used in lieu of elemental analysis. In former times, mass spectrometry was restricted to neutral molecules exhibiting some volatility, but advanced ionization techniques allow one to obtain the "mass spec" of virtually any organic compound.
Crystallography is an unambiguous method for determining molecular geometry, the proviso being that single crystals of the material must be available and the crystal must be representative of the sample. Highly automated software allows a structure to be determined within hours of obtaining a suitable crystal.
Traditional spectroscopic methods such as infrared spectroscopy, optical rotation, UV/VIS spectroscopy provide relatively nonspecific structural information but remain in use for specific classes of compounds.
Additional methods are described in the article on analytical chemistry.
[edit] Properties
Physical properties of organic compounds typically of interest include both quantitative and qualitative features. Quantitative information include melting point, boiling point, and index of refraction. Qualitative properties include odor, solubility, and color.
[edit] Melting and boiling properties
In contrast to many inorganic materials, organic compounds typically melt and many boil. In earlier times, the melting point (m.p.) and boiling point (b.p.) provided crucial information on the purity and identity of organic compounds. The melting and boiling points correlate with the polarity of the molecules and their molecular weight. Some organic compounds, especially symmetrical ones, sublime, that is they evaporate without melting. A well known example of a sublimable organic compound is para-dichlorobenzene, the odiferous constituent of mothballs. Organic compounds are usually not very stable at temperatures above 300 °C, although some exceptions exist.
[edit] Solubility
Neutral organic compounds tend to be hydrophobic, that is they are less soluble in water than in organic solvents. Exceptions include organic compounds that contain ionizable groups as well as low molecular weight alcohols, amines, and carboxylic acids where hydrogen bonding occurs. Organic compounds tend to dissolve in organic solvents. Solvents can be either pure substances like ether or ethyl alcohol, or mixtures, such as the paraffinic solvents such as the various petroleum ethers and white spirits, or the range of pure or mixed aromatic solvents obtained from petroleum or tar fractions by physical separation or by chemical conversion. Solubility in the different solvents depends upon the solvent type and on the functional groups if present.
[edit] Solid state properties
Various specialized properties are of interest depending on applications, e.g. thermo-mechanical and electro-mechanical such as piezoelectricity, electrical conductivity (see organic metals), and electro-optical (e.g. non-linear optics) properties. For historical reasons, such properties are mainly the subjects of the areas of polymer science and materials science.
[edit] Nomenclature
See also: IUPAC nomenclature
Various names and depictions for one organic compound.
The names of organic compounds are either systematic, following logically from a set of rules, or nonsystematic, following various traditions. Systematic nomenclature is stipulated by recommendations from IUPAC. Systematic nomenclature starts with the name for a parent structure within the molecule of interest. This parent name is then modified by prefixes, suffixes, and numbers to unambiguously convey the structure. Given that millions of organic compounds are known, rigorous use of systematic names can be cumbersome. Thus, IUPAC recommendations are more closely followed for simple compounds, but not complex molecules. To use the systematic naming, one must know the structures and names of the parent structures. Parent structures include unsubstituted hydrocarbons, heterocycles, and monofunctionalized derivatives thereof.
Nonsystematic nomenclature is simpler and unambiguous, at least to organic chemists. Nonsystematic names do not indicate the structure of the compound. Nonsystematic names are common for complex molecules, which includes most natural products. Thus, the informally named lysergic acid diethylamide is systematically named (6aR,9R)-N,N-diethyl-7-methyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindolo-[4,3-fg] quinoline-9-carboxamide.
With the increased use of computing, other naming methods have evolved that are intended to be interpreted by machines. Two popular formats are SMILES and InChI.
[edit] Structural drawings
Organic molecules are described more commonly by drawings or structural formulas, combinations of drawings and chemical symbols. The line-angle formula is simple and unambiguous. In this system, the endpoints and intersections of each line represent one carbon, and hydrogen atoms can either be notated explicitly or assumed to be present as implied by tetravalent carbon. The depiction of organic compounds with drawings is greatly simplified by the fact that carbon in almost all organic compounds has four bonds, oxygen two, hydrogen one, and nitrogen three.
[edit] Classification of organic compounds
[edit] Functional groups
Main article: Functional group
The family of carboxylic acids contains a carboxyl (-COOH) functional group. Acetic acid is an example.
The concept of functional groups is central in organic chemistry, both as a means to classify structures and for predicting properties. A functional group is a molecular module, and the reactivity of that functional group is assumed, within limits, to be the same in a variety of molecules. Functional groups can have decisive influence on the chemical and physical properties of organic compounds. Molecules are classified on the basis of their functional groups. Alcohols, for example, all have the subunit C-O-H. All alcohols tend to be somewhat hydrophilic, usually form esters, and usually can be converted to the corresponding halides. Most functional groups feature heteroatoms (atoms other than C and H). Organic compounds are classified according to functional groups, alcohols, carboxylic acids, amines, etc.
[edit] Aliphatic compounds
Main article: Aliphatic compound
The aliphatic hydrocarbons are subdivided into three groups of homologous series according to their state of saturation:
paraffins, which are alkanes without any double or triple bonds,
olefins or alkenes which contain one or more double bonds, i.e di-olefins (dienes) or poly-olefins.
alkynes, which have one or more triple bonds.
The rest of the group is classed according to the functional groups present. Such compounds can be "straight-chain," branched-chain or cyclic. The degree of branching affects characteristics, such as the octane number or cetane number in petroleum chemistry.
Both saturated (alicyclic) compounds and unsaturated compounds exist as cyclic derivatives. The most stable rings contain five or six carbon atoms, but large rings (macrocycles) and smaller rings are common. The smallest cycloalkane family is the three-membered cyclopropane ((CH2)3). Saturated cyclic compounds contain single bonds only, whereas aromatic rings have an alternating (or conjugated) double bond. Cycloalkanes do not contain multiple bonds, whereas the cycloalkenes and the cycloalkynes do.
[edit] Aromatic compounds
Benzene is one of the best-known aromatic compounds as it is one of the simplest and most stable aromatics.
Aromatic hydrocarbons contain conjugated double bonds. The most important example is benzene, the structure of which was formulated by Kekulé who first proposed the delocalization or resonance principle for explaining its structure. For "conventional" cyclic compounds, aromaticity is conferred by the presence of 4n + 2 delocalized pi electrons, where n is an integer. Particular instability (antiaromaticity) is conferred by the presence of 4n conjugated pi electrons.
[edit] Heterocyclic compounds
Main article: Heterocyclic compound
The characteristics of the cyclic hydrocarbons are again altered if heteroatoms are present, which can exist as either substituents attached externally to the ring (exocyclic) or as a member of the ring itself (endocyclic). In the case of the latter, the ring is termed a heterocycle. Pyridine and furan are examples of aromatic heterocycles while piperidine and tetrahydrofuran are the corresponding alicyclic heterocycles. The heteroatom of heterocyclic molecules is generally oxygen, sulfur, or nitrogen, with the latter being particularly common in biochemical systems.
Examples of groups among the heterocyclics are the aniline dyes, the great majority of the compounds discussed in biochemistry such as alkaloids, many compounds related to vitamins, steroids, nucleic acids (e.g. DNA, RNA) and also numerous medicines. Heterocyclics with relatively simple structures are pyrrole (5-membered) and indole (6-membered carbon ring).
Rings can fuse with other rings on an edge to give polycyclic compounds. The purine nucleoside bases are notable polycyclic aromatic heterocycles. Rings can also fuse on a "corner" such that one atom (almost always carbon) has two bonds going to one ring and two to another. Such compounds are termed spiro and are important in a number of natural products.
[edit] Polymers
Main article: Polymer
This swimming board is made of polystyrene, an example of a polymer
One important property of carbon is that it readily forms chain or even networks linked by carbon-carbon bonds. The linking process is called polymerization, and the chains or networks polymers, while the source compound is a monomer. Two main groups of polymers exist: those artificially manufactured are referred to as industrial polymers[5] or synthetic polymers and those naturally occurring as biopolymers.
Since the invention of the first artificial polymer, bakelite, the family has quickly grown with the invention of others. Common synthetic organic polymers are polyethylene (polythene), polypropylene, nylon, teflon (PTFE), polystyrene, polyesters, polymethylmethacrylate (called perspex and plexiglas), and polyvinylchloride (PVC). Both synthetic and natural rubber are polymers.
The examples are generic terms, and many varieties of each of these may exist, with their physical characteristics fine tuned for a specific use. Changing the conditions of polymerisation changes the chemical composition of the product by altering chain length, or branching, or the tacticity. With a single monomer as a start the product is a homopolymer. Further, secondary component(s) may be added to create a heteropolymer (co-polymer) and the degree of clustering of the different components can also be controlled. Physical characteristics, such as hardness, density, mechanical or tensile strength, abrasion resistance, heat resistance, transparency, colour, etc. will depend on the final composition.
[edit] Biomolecules
Maitotoxin, a complex organic biological toxin.
Biomolecular chemistry is a major category within organic chemistry which is frequently studied by biochemists. Many complex multi-functional group molecules are important in living organisms. Some are long-chain biopolymers, and these include peptides, DNA, RNA and the polysaccharides such as starches in animals and celluloses in plants. The other main classes are amino acids (monomer building blocks of peptides and proteins), carbohydrates (which includes the polysaccharides), the nucleic acids (which include DNA and RNA as polymers), and the lipids. In addition, animal biochemistry contains many small molecule intermediates which assist in energy production through the Krebs cycle, and produces isoprene, the most common hydrocarbon in animals. Isoprenes in animals form the important steroid structural (cholesterol) and steroid hormone compounds; and in plants form terpenes, terpenoids, some alkaloids, and a unique set of hydrocarbons called biopolymer polyisoprenoids present in latex sap, which is the basis for making rubber.
Peptide Synthesis
See also peptide synthesis
Oligonucleotide Synthesis
See also Oligonucleotide synthesis
Carbohydrate Synthesis
See also Carbohydrate synthesis
[edit] Small molecules
In pharmacology, an important group of organic compounds is small molecules, also referred to as 'small organic compounds'. In this context, a small molecule is a small organic compound that is biologically active, but is not a polymer. In practice, small molecules have a molar mass less than approximately 1000 g/mol.
Molecular models of caffeine
[edit] Fullerenes
Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, carbon compounds with spheroidal and tubular structures, have stimulated much research into the related field of materials science.
[edit] Others
Organic compounds containing bonds of carbon to nitrogen, oxygen and the halogens are not normally grouped separately. Others are sometimes put into major groups within organic chemistry and discussed under titles such as organosulfur chemistry, organometallic chemistry, organophosphorus chemistry and organosilicon chemistry.
[edit] Organic synthesis
A synthesis designed by E.J. Corey for oseltamivir (Tamiflu). This synthesis has 11 distinct reactions.
Synthetic organic chemistry is an applied science as it borders engineering, the "design, analysis, and/or construction of works for practical purposes". Organic synthesis of a novel compound is a problem solving task, where a synthesis is designed for a target molecule by selecting optimal reactions from optimal starting materials. Complex compounds can have tens of reaction steps that sequentially build the desired molecule. The synthesis proceeds by utilizing the reactivity of the functional groups in the molecule. For example, a carbonyl compound can be used as a nucleophile by converting it into an enolate, or as an electrophile; the combination of the two is called the aldol reaction. Designing practically useful syntheses always requires conducting the actual synthesis in the laboratory. The scientific practice of creating novel synthetic routes for complex molecules is called total synthesis.
There are several strategies to design a synthesis. The modern method of retrosynthesis, developed by E.J. Corey, starts with the target molecule and splices it to pieces according to known reactions. The pieces, or the proposed precursors, receive the same treatment, until available and ideally inexpensive starting materials are reached. Then, the retrosynthesis is written in the opposite direction to give the synthesis. A "synthetic tree" can be constructed, because each compound and also each precursor has multiple syntheses.
[edit] Organic reactions
Organic reactions are chemical reactions involving organic compounds. While pure hydrocarbons undergo certain limited classes of reactions, many more reactions which organic compounds undergo are largely determined by functional groups. The general theory of these reactions involves careful analysis of such properties as the electron affinity of key atoms, bond strengths and steric hindrance. These issues can determine the relative stability of short-lived reactive intermediates, which usually directly determine the path of the reaction.
The basic reaction types are: addition reactions, elimination reactions, substitution reactions, pericyclic reactions, rearrangement reactions and redox reactions. An example of a common reaction is a substitution reaction written as:
Nu− + C-X → C-Nu + X−
where X is some functional group and Nu is a nucleophile.
The number of possible organic reactions is basically infinite. However, certain general patterns are observed that can be used to describe many common or useful reactions. Each reaction has a stepwise reaction mechanism that explains how it happens in sequence—although the detailed description of steps is not always clear from a list of reactants alone.
The stepwise course of any given reaction mechanism can be represented using arrow pushing techniques in which curved arrows are used to track the movement of electrons as starting materials transition through intermediates to final products
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